Sunday, August 16, 2009

Chick friend flix

Last night I caught First Wives Club on TV. It reminded me that I LOVE "friend flix". There's a new genra called "Bromance" about guy friendships -- but there's a tried and true list of women-friend films that I love:

1. The Women (the 1930's original is the best, but the 2000's remake isn't THAT bad)
2. Boys on the Side
3. First Wives Club
4. Witches of Eastwick
5. To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar*

*OK, so that one is actually men in drag, artfully played by Patrick Swaze, Wesley Snipes and John Leguizamo -- but they're better women than most women. Plus Robin Williams has a hysterical cameo as John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmitt, which is worth the price of admission.

We. Need. Friends. That's just reality.

Last night I dreamed that we moved back to California, and the biggest thing on my mind was that I was going to have to make all new friends. Moving is hard! How do you make new friends after you've moved to a new place?